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Gun Auctions USA makes it Easy to Sell Your Gun Collection no Matter How Large or Small.  Our Firearms Auction House offers an Auction Marketplace Dedicated to the Safe & Legal Exchange of Firearms to Qualified Collectors and Buyers from Around the USA. 


Consign or Sell Your Guns Outright.

Gun Trust Estate Auctions

Call or Email Us Today to Discuss Your Collection and Options for the Sale or Transfer of Your Firearms, Ammo & Accessories​


Call:      888-659-9909



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As a Firearms Auction House, we have a very common goal with our consignors:  Legally transfer ownership to worthy buyers & collectors while achieving the highest possible price.


Gun Auctions USA has firmly established itself as a Top Quality Auction House with a winning formula of integrity, superior marketing, first-class presentation, and a constant pursuit of excellence. As a Leader in our field, we invite you to consign your firearms with us to find out what so many others already know.  No one gets you more money for your firearms, or works as hard, as Gun Auctions USA. We make it Easy to Legally and Safely Sell Your Guns Quickly for a Verified Fair Market Value.


Superior Catalogs

Online Catalogs are an auction company’s single most effective tool to present and market your Valuable Firearms. In an auction world that is increasingly becoming dominated by off-site bidders, we use our catalogs to nearly put the guns into the hands of people around the USA who are confident in bidding on your items without ever inspecting them in person.  It is our job to bring the items to life on the pages of our catalogs. Our goal is to present the item as is: no better, no worse, but accurately to as many legal bidders as possible.


​Our Auction Facility

Our Promise: Your guns are safely under our care until they are shipped to their new owner. Our advanced security system keeps an eye on your firearms, and ensures only authorized individuals are permitted access to sensitive parts of the building. We have a multi-phase access system responsible for securely storing firearms. Our building is under constant state-of-the-art security camera recording around the facility. Gun storage is behind a multi-door room security system, high-value guns are then stored in gun safe vaults, our facility also has a building-wide sprinkler system.  Consignors and Bidders are never allowed past the isolated viewing area where guns are brought to them for supervised inspection.


Trusts & Estates

Collectors of all types have many options at their disposal when determining what happens to their precious items when they are gone. For many, this is not the most pleasant conversation, but it is a critical topic to address. Planning ahead will not only ease the burden of the bereaved, but also save one’s benefactors and family a great deal of time and money. Here at Gun Auctions USA, we’re collectors just like you. We know that even discussing the dispersal of your collection can be extremely difficult. You’ve spent years, or decades, building a collection that suits your taste and focuses on what interests you. It is exactly that difficulty that makes this matter so important to handle in advance. Fortunately, there are many options available to you as a collector and we believe Gun Auctions USA to be the most profitable of them.


Option: Doing Nothing

Unfortunately, making no decisions regarding the final disposition of a firearms collection is all too common.  This has any number of negative consequences: expensive executors, wastes valuable time, and the collection may be sold in the interest of haste and not a fair value.  If items have been bequeathed informally to family members, doing “nothing” does not ensure they will receive them.  Those items may accidentally be sold, given to family members who do not care about the item, or be a long lasting source of familial conflict.  Doing nothing is generally the worst possible option for all those left to sort out the final affairs.


Option: Give to Family

Of course, we believe in continuing a strong tradition of collecting and passing down history to the next generation.  How else could the hobby continue so strongly?  However, make sure that your family members are on the same page.  Many times, family members have no interest in collectable firearms or guns as a whole.  Sometimes, they can be interested in the value, but not the object.  Either scenario can potentially result in family members with no idea of where to sell the items, or as the joke goes, “selling them for what you told them you paid.”  It’s best to have these conversations in advance to avoid disappointment or financial loss.  Some collectors may also choose to have their auction proceeds given to a beneficiary such as a museum or donated to charities such as the American Cancer Society, Wounded Warrior Project, American Red Cross, St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital, Feeding America or one that we recommend in securing gun rights at the legislative and political level, the NRA-ILA.


Option: Selling Estate Guns One at a Time

Selling your guns can be a lucrative option, but there are many things to consider.

- Are you, or your family member, getting a fair value?

- Can you reach other collectors who are ready & able to buy?

- What kinds of records must be kept?


To alleviate these and many other issues many people choose to sell their guns the quickest way possible: a local gun store.  Whether a small mom-and-pop shop or a major “big box” chain, these stores will certainly know how to navigate the state and federal gun laws, but there is one major drawback.  Gun shops, much like a used car dealership, make money buying low and selling high.  The lower they can purchase an item or collection, the better for their bottom line.  This is a distinct conflict of interest.


Best Option: Auctioning the Estate Guns with Gun Auctions USA

Selling your items with Gun Auctions USA has several important advantages over any of the previously mentioned methods.


Marketing Skills: Our history and our marketing efforts allow us to show your guns to like-minded collectors across the country.  We seek out new collectors by advertising in trade publications, attending gun shows around the United States, utilizing an active social media presence, constantly improving our website, email, and placing ads in some of the nation’s top newspapers. 


No Conflict of Interest:  Many of the previously listed options can provide an unfortunate conflict of interest.  Gun stores that buy low or other businesses that consign for a “sliding scale” are two easy examples.  At Gun Auctions USA, we keep it simple with a shared goal: a high sale price.  When you make money, we make money.  It’s as simple as that. 


No Hidden Fees:  Lots of places will sell your guns, but want to charge fees for any number of reasons: insurance, storage, photography, shipping, handling, etc.  These charges are often only discovered once an itemized statement has been provided after the sale.  At Gun Auctions USA we charge one thing – a simple, all-inclusive 18% commission percentage.  With just one up-front number that you agree to prior to the sale, we take care of the rest, making sure your item receives top care, the best marketing in the industry, and is seen by buyers & collectors around the USA.


Of course, any of these options may be exercised while still on earth!  Many people choose to do just that, taking great comfort and satisfaction in knowing that their collection was dispersed appropriately to people that love it or watching the proceeds benefit a cause or someone important to them.  Whenever your choices take place, we cannot overstate the importance of having a plan in place.  It eases the burden on those left behind, both financially and mentally, and will leave you feeling more secure as well.


Regardless if you have a handful of items, a large collection of estate guns that spans rooms, or extremely high dollar items, Gun Auctions USA can provide a solid choice for the effective, safe & legal process of selling your guns for a verified Fair Market Value to the Highest Bidder.


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General Information:

Gun Auctions USA, LLC - 10550 72nd St., Ste 505, Largo FL  33777

All firearms are consigned & transferred with

GAU Firearms LLC, 10550 72nd St. STE 506, Largo, FL  33777

FFL Transfers:

All Rights Reserved © 2016-2024 by Gun Auctions USA, LLC     AB3637/AU4611

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